
kan dah bagitaw. diz blog is always gonna be update. wasting my time watching avatar wif my lil brother fer the whole day. deleting plenty of unknown people kat myspace. sory fer those yang kne delete

btw, sape cakap watching cartoon tuh buang masa. i dont think so. bergantung pada jenis cartoon yang u guys tengok jugak. I've been watching avatar fer the whole day and banyak benda i noticed from it. it's like bile kite bace story book. at the end akan ade moral of the story. mcm tu jugak laa cartoon. in avatar, trust is the important element.

hidup kite jugak pentingkan kepercayaan.
when u trust sumone almost 100% and then he ruined on it, how wud u feel?
super duper angry kan? or maybe u'll start to hate him.

another thing, kenape org slalu pandang benda tak baek yang kite buat?? do they ever notice what they did to us? ape benda tak baek they did to us?

revenge is fun coz kite akan puas hati tgk the person that we hate dapat balasan.
but, forgiveness is the best way. we let the person go and dapat balasan die senri.
we dont have to burden ourself untuk cari jalan utk revenge.

these are sum lessons form the avatar (:
actually, im not wasting my time coz i learnt sumting rite?

1 comment:

didiey ;) said...

i choose : Forgive but never Forget.

p/s : awk delete saya tak??isk isk